As the association representing expanded polystyrene manufactures, raw material suppliers and equipment suppliers in South Africa, it is EPSASA’s mission to promote and grow the expanded polystyrene market.

EPSASA will achieve this by informing and educating the general public, as well as decision makers and opinion formers on the public and private sector on the benefits, multiple uses and environmentally friendly nature of expanded polystyrene products

EPSASA will strive to ensure that the quality and performance standards of its members are world class through the establishment and monitoring of standards, and will also act on their behalf in matters of common interest.


Technical information on the Expanded Polystyrene Association of Southern Africa (EPSASA) website has been acquired from numerous sources. The majority of the information is readily available on the websites of other associations and organisations and reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure its reliability and validity, however EPSASA does not claim ownership of the information nor responsibility. Technical information is acknowledged where relevant, EPSASA especially acknowledges EUMEPS (European Manufacturers of EPS), AAAMSA, CSIR, SABS and Firelab.

Membership in EPSASA is open to any firm that has successfully tested and is in compliance with the requirements of the Association and whose membership would not jeopardize the credibility of the Expanded Polystyrene Association of South Africa. All applicants must be approved by the EPSASA National Executive Committee.

Companies join EPSASA as either an Associate Member or a General Member depending on their scope of business. Membership applications and the requirements for membership are provided herewith. If you are interested in membership or have additional questions, please feel free to contact the EPSASA office at (011) 805 5002.

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